Monday, November 3, 2008


So I 'm not sure when it happened but at some point my daughters decided that being princesses and things with fairy wings and sparklie gowns was definitely not cool! Apparently their friends feel the same. Here is a picture of Lauren and two of her BFFs. How scary is this?

They really are the sweetest girls!

Here is a pic of Emily. She was a 60's Go-go dancer. Very cute!

John made the Henderson Chili and we had a full house. The Nelson's, Lander's, Joosten's, Drake's, Alice Ann and anyone else I have forgotten. Thanks for spending the night with us! We had a blast.


Nikki said...

Who is that scary child?? My oh my what is wrong with our children? Thanks for having us for Halloween. We had a great time, you guys are awesome!!! Tell Emily I still have a flower waiting for her!!

Libby said...

SO long as Lauren doesn't want to wear her costume for everyday wear, you're probably okay :) Still a little scary, huh?!