Saturday, November 22, 2008

O.K. so the amputation is over and he is doing well! It was a rough couple of days for us. I took the kids to visit him at the hospital and that was probably a mistake. He was completely out of it and the incision was pretty gruesome. It was shocking to say the least. I assumed that he would have a bandage over the incision but if i had thought about it i would have realized the near impossibility of bandaging that area. Once we got him home the next day and the heavy drugs wore off; he started to be our Bosco again and it was easier for the kids. Did I mention that he isn't supposed to go up or down stairs? Yeah, that's fun. I should say that this picture looks like he has no back legs at all. The other one is under his body.

Both girls have told all of their friends about Bosco and yesterday when we came there was a raw hide bone with a big bow and a get well card from Avery and Taylor Pizzuto-Ward. Thanks guys! That was the sweetest thing ever and Bosco loves the bone!


Nikki said...

He looks so sweet~~~

Seattle Nichole said...

I am so sorry about him and all that he has been through tell lauren and emily that i love them so much and if they need anything tell me!!!!